World Missions

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Local Outreach in Ocala, FL

In Ocala, FL St. Patrick’s assists the local community in a number of outreach programs. We provide the following:

Food Ministry to Arnette House for Run Aways 

Food Ministry to Spouse Abuse Center 

Feeding Program for Interfaith on the 2nd Tuesday of month 

World Missions

Our mission statement:

To know Christ and to make Him known !

At St. Patrick’s in the area of world missions our focus is missions to South Africa and Honduras. Specifically, in South Africa our parish supports two sister churches. They are:

St. Peters in Itsoseng, S Africa

Parish of the Holy Family in Jouberton, S Africa
We supply Bibles, school supplies and support their priest financially. We support one child in college. We will make our third trip to South Africa in 2004 praying for healing, teaching and baptising in the Holy Spirit.
In Honduras our church supports the following sister church:

Santa Anna in Conception del Norte, Honduras
We financially support them and we intend to make a visitation to Honduras this year.


These are special updates about events which may have changed since the last published newsletter from the Shamrock Newsletter